MET TC 535 Data Communications and Computer Networks
Spring 2002 (Wed., 6:00 – 9:00 p.m., room PHO 202)

W 01/16: Administrative. Course Overview. Uses of Computer Networks. Network Hardware.
Readings: Ch. 1

W 01/23: Network Software. Reference Models. The OSI RM. The Internet RM. Critique of the OSI Model. The Readings: Ch. 1

W 01/30: Physical Layer. Transmission Media. Wireless Transmission.
Readings: Ch. 2

W 02/06:
The Telephone System. Modems. Multiplexing. ISDN. Alternatives: DSL. Cable Modem.
Readings: Ch. 2-3

W 02/13:  Data Link Layer Design Issues. Error Detection and Correction. Elementary Data Link Protocols. Sliding Window Protocols.
Readings: Ch. 3

W 02/20: In-class Exercise on Sliding Window Protocols. Example Data Link Protocols. The Medium Access Sublayer.
Readings: Ch. 4

W 02/27: Midterm Exam.

W 03/06: Spring Recess. Classes Suspended.

W 03/13: The Channel Allocation Problem. Multiple Access Protocols. IEEE Standard 802 for LAN's and MAN's.The Medium Access Sublayer: Bridges.
Readings: Ch. 4

W 03/20: High-Speed LAN's. The Network Layer. Network Layer Design Issues. Routing Algorithms.
 Readings: Ch. 4, Ch. 5, the on-line book.

W 03/27: Internetworking. The Network Layer in the Internet. Internet routing.
 Readings: Ch. Ch. 5, Ch. 6, and the on-line book.

W 04/03: The Transport Layer. The Transport Service. Elements of Transport Protocols. A Simple transport Protocol.
 Readings: Ch. 6, and the on-line book.

W 04/10: The Internet Transport Protocols (TCP and UDP). DNS-Domain Name System. The Application Layer: WWW, E Mail.
 Readings: Ch. 6, Ch. 7, and the on-line book.

W 04/17: Substitute Monday Schedule of Classes. Classes Suspended.

W 04/24: Presentations. (In PC Lab 4, 808 Comm. Ave., MET CS Department)

W 05/01: Final Examination.

Boston University,  MET Computer Science Department, 808 Commonwealth Ave., room 259, Boston, MA 02215, phone: 617-358-0005, fax: 617-353-2367,
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