Latest News

Here you will find information on actual topics and our attendance to conferences and exhibitions.

NDSec group welcomes the new research project - VERCA

The NDSec group started the new research project VERCA in April 2019. The project is supported by the BMBF and has a duration of three years. Further details can be found here.

Chapter in the book "Uncertainty Management with Fuzzy and Rough Sets"

Currently, we are finalizing a chapter on in-database rule learning, which will be published in the Springer book series "Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing". It discusses latest results on state-of-the-art rule learning and will be available in 2019. Further details can be found here.

Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing


Learning decision rules is a very promising subject to make the process of decision-making more transparent. Therefore, we present a new algorithm called Incremental In-Database Rule Inducer (InDBR) for nonstationary environments at the 2nd International Symposium of Fuzzy and Rough Sets (ISFUROS).

CeBIT (20-24 March 2017)

We presented our current research project IntErA at the CeBIT in Hannover. Special thanks go to the federal state of Hessen for a very good organization and communication. Additionally, we would like to thank all our visitors for very fruitful conversations and all the effort by the supporting students making this event happen.

CeBIT 2017

10. DFN-Forum 2017

Missing labeled datasets are a huge problem for network security. Therefore, we present our new attack dataset "NDSec-1" at the 10. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien in Berlin (DE). It is a composition of classic as well as state-of-the art attack vectors fully labeled and ready to be used in one's individual network infrastructure. It can be freely downloaded here.

ICNSC 2017

Flow-based intrusion detection is a promising subject for high-speed networks. However, the selection of meaningful features for those systems is crucial. On this year's IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), we are going to talk about our recent research results. Hope to see you in Calabria (IT).

ICNSC 2017

ARCS 2017

IoT and Industrial Internet are ubiquitous, which permit attackers an arsenal of unforeseeable attack vectors. Therefore, novel challenges arises for the intrusion detection community. As a joint effort between University Kassel and University of Applied Sciences Fulda, inherent requirements and initial ideas for an intelligent collaborative intrusion detection system are postulated and discussed at this year's International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems located in Vienna (AT).

IPMU 2016

Finding efficient ways to make Rough Set Theory applicable for hugh datasets has been a challenge since the early 1980. A contribution to this topic will be present at the 16th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2016), a well known conference in the field. This year's IPMU takes place in Eindhoven (NL).

IPMU 2016

Expert Talks 2016: Cybercrime & Industrial Internet

Within the scope of this year's alumni event sponsored by the FAI e.V. at the department of applied computer science on 6th of June, a number of talks took place on selected topics addressing recent trends in computer science. Our research group was proud to host the track "Cybercrime & Industrial Internet". It was a very active discussion with experts from academia and industry including representatives of Goodyear Dunlop Tires Germany, ERGO Group and Deutsche Börse to name a few. Again, many thanks for the contributions.

Christmas Market in Fulda 2015

You can call it tradition. When the year ends and days become shorter, the research group NDSec meets at the christmas market to share ideas and to enjoy.

X-mas 2015  X-mas 2015 

Lernen Wissen Adaption (LWA) 2015

IntErA visits the LWA 2015, a joint conference of the four interest groups (FG-KDML, FG-DB, FG-IR and FG-WM). This year's event is located in Trier. We present recent results of our research. The proceeding can be found here.

LWA 2015

CeBIT (04-10 March 2014)

CeBIT is the world's largest and most international trade fair showcasing latest trends and innovations in information technology. We will present the outcome of the project SecMonet and give insight to our new research project IntErA.

CeBIT 2014  CeBIT 2014  CeBIT 2014

Please download the brochures for our two projects presented at CeBIT 2014 to get further details: SecMonet and IntErA

ICNC Feb. 2014

We present OptiFilter as a result from the SecMonet project. It keeps track of network traffic and was designed for fast network infrastructures. Further details about the conference are available here.

(IEEE) ICITST December 2013

Our state-of-the-art method that captures massive network and hosts data and convert it to normalized continous datasets in real-time has been accepted to be presented in the (IEEE) ICITST conference. The conference will take place in UK from 09-12 October 2013. More details about the conference are available here.

IEEE SMC:Cybernetics October 2013

The new enhancements on the GHSOM detection model have been accepted to be presented in the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics conference (IEEE SMC). The conference will take place in UK from 13-16 October 2013. More details about the conference are available here.

NDSec group welcomes the new research project - IntErA

NDSec group has gained a new project named IntErA, which is totally funded from the BMBF. Officially, IntErA will start December 2013 or at the latest January 2014 for 3 years. More details about IntErA are available here.

IARIA-IMMM Conference October 2012

Some achievments of SecMonet project have been presented in the IARIA-IMMM conference and published in Thinkmind. The presentation has addressed the challenge of defining a normal network behavior in the area of intrusion detection.

last modified: 21.01.2020 07:50